In the galleries: Dynamic art captures the fractured side of nature

by Mark Jenkins for The Washington Post
August 9, 2024

The three-artist show at Hemphill Artworks features several things associated with the decorative arts: flowers, butterflies and embroidery. Another essential element, however, is decay, which makes “Belkin Caldwell Shull” a bit edgier than its nature motifs might suggest.

Sophia Belkin is a Baltimore artist who prints wetlands-inspired compositions on fabric, outlining certain portions with stitching. A former local resident and a longtime Hemphill artist, North Carolina’s Colby Caldwell makes camera-less woodland photographs directly with a digital scanner. Randy Shull, who divides his time between North Carolina and Mexico, hints at butterflies (“mariposa” in his Spanish-language titles) with sections of partly unraveled hammocks painted in vivid hues.

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The last day to see BELKIN · CALDWELL · SHULL at HEMPHILL is Saturday, August 24, 2024. Please stop by the gallery to see the exhibition before it closes.