By Claudia Rousseau, Ph.D. on February 19 2025
HEMPHILL is pleased to share the latest review of SOPHIA BELKIN for East City Art by Claudia Rousseau.
It probably took a couple of generations of women needleworkers to sew the magnificent embroidered narrative scroll known as the Bayeux Tapestry in the last quarter of the 11th century. Viewing Sophia Belkin’s first solo show at Hemphill Gallery brought this to mind as her glowing works are pieced together by stem stitching, not made by the hands of nuns, but by an amazing machine that makes it more perfectly and in an instant of the time. The issue of mechanical help in creating works of art is one that has been recently in focus, but there is an enormous difference between enlisting a CNC embroidery machine to carry out your complicated and detailed designs and using AI to originate a work. And the results shown in this exhibit are fascinating...
Sophia Belkin | ARTFORUM
By Andy Martinelli Clark
February 5, 2025
HEMPHILL is pleased to share Andy Martinell Clark's review of SOPHIA BELKIN for ARTFORUM.
As in nature, there are no straight lines to be found in the fourteen kaleidoscopic, textile-based abstractions that populate Sophia Belkin’s first solo exhibition at Hemphill. It is fitting, then, that many of the poetic titles ascribed to these jaunty paintings reference the terrestrial, the aquatic, and the utterly cosmic.