The Collaborative | The DMV Collects the DMV
The Kreeger Museum
On view October 26, 2024 - February 1, 2025
HEMPHILL is pleased to share The Collaborative | The DMV Collects the DMV on view at The Kreeger Museum through February 1, 2025.
This exhibition is presented under The Collaborative, a program developed by The Kreeger Museum in 2021 to support Washington-area artists.
HEMPHILL Artists Featured:
Rush Baker IV, Leon Berkowitz, William Christenberry, Steven Cushner, Gene Davis, Mary Early, Hedieh Javanshir Ilchi, Jacob Kainen, Kevin MacDonald, Renée Stout, Julie Wolfe

Mary Early
Freight Gallery Presents Mary Early Līnea IX 2020
by Editorial Team, East City Art
The past, present and future of abstraction.
May 24, 2018
Kriston Capps, Washington City Paper
At Hemphill Fine Arts, a retrospective show that's bigger than the gallery
November 15, 2013
Mark Jenkins, The Washington Post
"Several mini-shows nestle within “Represent,” Hemphill Fine Arts’s 20th-anniversary exhibition."
Mary Early: Sculpture
Critics Pick: Mary Early
July, 2010
Kriston Capps, Artforum
"That Mary Early’s work qualifies as post-Minimalist is plain. By first building components and then balancing them against one another in roughly circular structures that have not been mapped out in advance, she largely allows early decisions in her process regarding the form of her pieces to dictate the final shapes of her assembled work."